Listed here are 3 foods for an alternative effective treatment I have been using:
1. Eat Apples
Eat a lot of apples! What type of apple then? Any type of apple will be okay. You need to get the juices out.
Can I just buy the apple juices available at the supermarket? Yes you can, but for a healthy gallbladder, natural apple juice is better for you.
You have to drink apple juice for at least two days. You'll really need to do that because you will be able to remove your gallstones easier. While you carry out this 1st step, you should avoid eating food with a lot of cholesterol. Please avoid oily and fatty foods because excess cholesterol in your body leads to gallstones.
2. Eat Nuts
The next step you'll want to take is to go to your nearest supermarket and look for nuts which contain unsaturated fats. It is important to eat nuts because nuts will help to protect you against gallstones. However only the one contain unsaturated fats is good for you. So once you found it, eat it everyday.
3. Citrus Food
The 3rd and last step is to eat a lot of citrus food.
What is the best citrus food? Any citrus food will be the best and great for your battle against gallstones. Citrus food is crucial because it contains pectin which fight this problem. Pectin will combat any existing gallstones in you gallbladder.